What To Do If You Are Sick With COVID-19
March 21, 2020
If you are sick with COVID-19, it is important that you protect others from infection and take care of yourself.
Stay home. Do not go to work, school or out in public.
Other household members should maintain a 14-day isolation.
Isolate yourself to one room if possible, and keep the door shut. Use a dedicated bathroom if available. Have meals brought to your room.
Continue to wash hands frequently and cover coughs and sneezes.
Clean and disinfect areas that are touched frequently. Use disinfectant wipes or sprays, a solution of 4 teaspoons bleach to 1 quart of water, a 70% alcohol solution, or even just soap and water.
Rest, and drink lots of fluid.
You may feel better if you use a humidifier.
Wash laundry on the hottest temperature setting possible. Do not shake out dirty clothes. Clean and disinfect the laundry basket. It is OK to wash clothing with other people’s items.
Wash dishes in hot, soapy water or in a dishwasher.
If possible, use a dedicated lined trash can.
When possible, household members should use disposable gloves for cleaning, laundry or emptying trash.
Use Tylenol (Acetaminophen) as needed for fever.
Wear a mask, if available, when around other people.
As not much is known about this infection in animals, limit your exposure to pets.
If you need to seek medical care, please call ahead.
Seek immediate care if you are worsening or having difficulty breathing.
Stay home for at least 7 days AND you no longer are having symptoms AND you have not had fever (without meds) for at least 3 days.