How can I work sports into my fitness routine?
Did you know that May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month? We love celebrating fun things that also make us healthier! Have you ever considered adding a sport or two into your physical fitness routine? Even if you don’t consider yourself “athletic”, sports can be an entertaining way to exert energy and stay in shape!
Try these easy tips for incorporating sports into your workout schedule.
1) Choose something you enjoy.
This may sound like a no-brainer, but when you add something new, like a sport, into your exercise regimen make sure you choose something you like and that’s practical for your lifestyle. This way, you’re more likely to stick with it! Cross country running likely won’t be your thing if you have bad knees, but you may enjoy swimming or water aerobics. Try a variety of things over time to discover which sport fits you and your lifestyle best!
2) Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Not all of us were athletes in high school (or ever!), and that’s a-okay! Using sports to exercise is more about adding variety to your workout routine than it is about excelling or winning. If you find that you have a knack for a newly discovered athletic activity, that’s awesome! If not, shake it off and keep at it anyway. Even if you aren’t knocking down points or breaking records, every time you get up and get moving you are accomplishing a win for your body!
3) Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Incorporating athletics into your physical fitness routine is about having so much fun that it doesn’t feel like you’re working out! However, just because it does not feel like you are exercising in the same way it would at the gym, doesn’t mean that your body is not feeling the same effects. Be sure to keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during and after any physical activity, including sports!
Are you feeling inspired to work sports into your fitness regime? Check out the City of Clarksville’s website here for cool opportunities for a variety of ages! Also, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough for certain sports. At Premier Medical Group, we think starting a new sport is a great way to work #FullCircleCare into your everyday life and accomplish your fitness goals. Most of all we want you to have fun and be safe!