Temporary Hours of Operation Effective April 5.
Starting Sunday, April 5, Premier Medical Group Walk-In Clinics hours will be:

Important Information on the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
UPDATED March 21, 2020
As of Friday, March 20, Premier Medical Group staff began front door screenings for everyone entering our clinics. After answering a few questions and symptom evaluation, patients are directed to their next destination – a well patient waiting room, a sick patient waiting room, or back to their vehicles if COVID-19 testing is deemed necessary. Sample collection will be done curbside.
Sample collection for COVID-19 is done only for those who meet the criteria recommended by the CDC.
Patients experiencing fever, cough or shortness of breath should NOT GO TO THE CLINIC, but contact their doctor first at 931-245-7000, or patient portal or click here for instructions.
For patients who do come to the clinic, please do not bring nonessential visitors with you.
For those patients who are told to self-isolate, learn how to care for yourself here.
As always, if you think you are experiencing a life-threatening event, call 911 immediately.
Prevention is the best defense
• Wash hands with soap and water. Avoid touching your face.
• Avoid people who are ill. Stay home if you are sick.
• Cover your cough or sneeze.
• Clean and disinfect surfaces that are touched frequently.
• Avoid travel to areas with widespread illness.
For more information, visit www.tn.gov/health/
or call the Tennessee Department of Health information hotline 877-857-2945.
What to do if you are sick.