Are You Ready For A Family Vacation?
Premier has some important tips for vacationing with the kid.
Family vacations are great for bonding and making memories, but pre-planning can make a big difference in getting the most out of your family time. Here are a few tips to keep your plans from going askew.
Travel Insurance
Travel insurance is a must! Whether in a car, while hiking, swimming or just walking down a sidewalk. Let’s say you’re hiking in a remote location. If you or one of your kids is injured and needs to be rescued by helicopter, do you realize how much that would set you back if you didn’t have travel insurance? Get the insurance. It’s worth it.
Back up important documents
Scan your original documents and put them on a memory stick or download them to the cloud. Make copies of passports, visas, driver’s licenses and more. If you’re staying in a hotel, leave the originals in the hotel safe and take the copies with you.
Keep your smartphone charged at all times
Make sure every member of your family has a working phone to keep in constant contact in case you split up. It’s also good to have to get an Uber or Lyft.
Stay in safe accommodations
Don’t sacrifice safety to save a few bucks, especially when traveling with children. Check the reviews of hotels and search for family-friendly accommodations.
Travel Warnings
Stay alert to travel warnings and health alerts while traveling. Most important are disease outbreaks. These usually come in three levels:
- Green or Watch level 1 – Practice Usual Precautions
- Orange or Alert Level 2 – Practice Enhanced Precautions
- Red or Warning Level 3 – Avoid Nonessential Travel
Pack a Medical Kit
Scrapes, falls and bruises are all part of growing up and especially while traveling in new areas. Pack a kit with Band-aids, disinfectant spray and ibuprofen. If your kids have food allergies, be sure to pack multiple Epipens. And don’t forget any medications you or your children are on.
Before going on your trip, it’s a good idea to get you and your kids’ health checked up on and make sure your all your immunizations are up to date. Most of these will need to be documented if traveling abroad.
If you’re in need of a check up, contact Premier Medical Group today to schedule an appointment with someone on our PMG care team. We’ll help you improve your overall health. It is all a part of “Full Circle Care.
Sources: https://www.safewise.com/blog/safety-tips-taking-kids-vacation/