Health Leads Resources
In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less that you felt you should, because there wasn’t enough money for food?
- First Baptist Church: 931-245-000, 499 Commerce St. Assists with groceries and electric bills
- Grace House: 931-647-7768
- Meals on Wheels: 931-645-5629 $22/week
- Silver Angels: 931-358- 0017
- Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP): 615-313-4749
- Manna Cafe Ministries: Soup kitchen on wheels/food box delivery 931- 933-0970
In the last 12 months, has the electric, gas, oil or water company threatened to shut off your service in your home?
- LIHEAP: 866-674-6327
- Community Action Agency: 931-896-1800 (multiple services: energy assistance, food, utilities)
- Urban Ministries: 931-648-9090
- First Presbyterian Church: 931-614-0067 Must apply in-person at 825 Crossland Ave. Open Mondays 1-3.
- Safe House: 931-648-9090 Assists with food, prescriptions and utilities
- First Baptist Church: 931-245-000, 499 Commerce St. Assists with groceries and electric bills
- Emergency Broadband Benefit: Assists with internet bills if qualifications are met.
Are you worried that in the next 2 months, you may not have stable housing?
- Grace House: 931-647-7768
- Clarksville Community Action Agency: 931- 896-1800, If qualified will help with cost of rent.
Do problems getting child care make it difficult for you to work or study?
- Child Care Payment Assistance (State of Tennessee)
In the last 12 months, have you ever had to go without health care, because you didn’t have a way to get to a medical appointment?
- MidCumberland Public Transit: 931-647-4602, In county $2-3 each way. Clarksville to Nashville $15 each way.
- Montgomery County Non Emergent Transport: 931-647-3164
- Veteran’s Service Transport: 615-327-4751 or 615-225-5617
- Mid Cumberland HRA Transport: 931-647-4602, Does not take Medicare or Tricare
- The Lift by Clarksville Transit Services: 931-553-2470, $2.50 per ride
Do you ever need help reading hospital or medical office materials?
- TN Area Agencies of Aging and Disability: 615-862- 8828
Do you often feel that you lack companionship?
- Institute on Aging Friendship Line: 1-800-971-0016
- Senior Center: 931-648-1345
Are any of your needs urgent? (IE no food, no place to sleep tonight)
- Salvation Army: 931-552-5350
- Urban Ministries: 931-648-9090
- Fire House: 931-542-0381, Can stay only during daytime. Provides 3 meals a day
- Grace House: 931-647-7768