Premier Medical Group - Multispeciality Practice in Clarksville, Tennessee

Pam Lassiter, NP-C

  • Family Medicine
Undergraduate Training: Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
Post Graduate Training: Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
Office Address: 490 Dunlop Lane, Building 1, Clarksville, TN 37040
Office Phone: 931-245-7000
Joined Premier Medical Group: 2013

What inspires you to do your job?
The opportunity to help others when they are not feeling well.  My favorite part about working with PMG is knowing that if I need help with a patient, I have doctors who are available to provide guidance.

Professional Interests
Health promotion, education and diabetes

Personal Interests
Spending time with my son, reading, working in my garden/yard and working with animals.

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